Wednesday 1 January 2014

January 1st - New Year Resolutions!

So this is the list that we've come up with as a family (post Christmas excesses) and a starting point for our project...sure this will change as we progress and find out a bit more about what we're doing...but for now just 5 things....

  • To have a more healthy diet  - less fat, sugar, alcohol (!), more fruit, veg, water etc.
  • To have a more healthy lifestyle - less stress, rushing around, more sleep etc.
  • Spend less time on the TV / computer / iPad and get more fresh air / exercise.
  • Be less wasteful (spending, food etc.) & dispose of the waste that we do generate more carefully.
  • Buy the things that we need from more ethical companies / become more self sufficient and less reliant on supermarkets.
The challenge will definitely be to do this without making unwelcome compromises to our lifestyle, having to spend loads of time or money (dreading the January credit card bills). Bring it on!


  1. Hi Misras, I'm looking forward to following your journey, and I promise never to bring a bottle of wine round to your house ever again (ha!). Did you ever see this - If not, I thought it might be interesting/helpful. Love, Andy D

  2. Whoah! Andy - no wine? Not sure we could go that far!!!! This is a really interesting programme, could do with one of those thingummys to show how much power we are using - got home last night and every light in the house was on! :) x

  3. Yes, good idea (the thingummy, not the wine). Energy display monitors are really helpful, and I'll see if I can find one lying around.
